You'll find the latest information about our company by navigating to our About Us page.


Heiwashinkai Jujutsu is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization that operates its dojo/multi-function facility and classes based upon funding donations provided by individuals, corporate sponsors, patrons of the sport, generous benefactors, and applicable grants.


We provide a wide range of activities and services, all of which are constantly evolving.

Our mission is to train everyone we can, in every possible way, to help protect their personal health and safety.


In addition, our Sensei is a volunteer with numerous charitable organizations and would love to support YOURS! Those supported are:

The STARS Foundation

Mississippi Gulf Coast Center for Non-Violence

Gautier/Singing River DAV, Chapter 17

Gautier Public Library

Kiwanis Club of Vancleave, MS

Girl Scouts of America


If you'd like to contact us, please fill out the contact form on our website's Contact Us page!

We wish you a long and very blessed life!

We invite you to learn more about the inspirational beliefs of Sensei David Wilson and his background by navigating to the Our Sensei page!

David Wilson

Sensei ~ Yondan

4th Degree Black Belt

Shea Scarborough

Adult Instructor

James Glaskox

PTSD & Kids Instructor

Alex Shannon

Adult Instructor

Find our lesson schedule information by navigating to our Lessons page.


We provide our dojo students and visitors with the opportunity to observe and experience the instructional methods of Traditional Japanese Jujutsu in the exact manner it was developed as a martial arts form for Japanese civilians during Japan's Edo period of the late 1800's.


To learn more about the history of jujutsu, please navigate to our History webpage!

Our Grappling With PTSD Program has been designed and customized by disabled veteran instructors to assist with the rehabilitation and treatment of individuals suffering from physical and mental PTSD disability issues utilizing traditional jujutsu and its adaptive forms.


Additional information can be found by navigating to our PTSD/Veterans page


Please address all questions about this customizable program directly to: Sensei David Wilson @ 225-205-2224

Information about our dojo/multi-function program offerings can be found on our Activities page.


If you desire additional details, please fill out the contact form on our website's Contact Us page!

There are many opinions concerning the origins of jujutsu. On our History page, you'll be provided with many options to ponder, such as:


Did the ancient Greeks boxing, wrestling, and grappling during their Olympics Games in 704 B.C. constitute the true beginning

of the martial arts form now known worldwide as Traditional Japanese Jujutsu?

The United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF) was established in 1971 and is an all-inclusive national organization for all styles or systems of the ancient "JJ" art.


USJJF is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization and is the Jujutsu/Jiu-jitsu/Ju-Jitsu/Para JIu-Jitsu National Member of

The Association For International Sport For All (TAFISFA) which is recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).


USJJF's Police Defensive Tactics Instructor System/Program


The Police Self-Defense Instructor (PSDI) Program was originally formed under the United States Karate Association (USKA),

which has been reconstituted under the United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF) and United States Martial Arts Federation (USMAF).


The USJJF/USMAF National Program of Defensive Tactics & Restraint for Law Enforcement & Military Personnel is now known as:



NOTE - Our Photo Gallery is updated on a regular basis, so please feel free to visit it often at our Photos tab!

On our Testimonials page you can read numerous statements provided to us by our students about the positive impact our Japanese jujutsu instruction and our charity's supportive programs have had on their lives!

Heiwashinkai Jujutsu, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization which operates its dojo/multi-function facility and classes based upon funding provided by individual donations, corporate sponsors, patrons of the sport, generous benefactors, and applicable grants.


Donations of volunteer time & funds are always welcomed with great enthusiasm!


To make a tax-deductible charitable donation please use your choice of the below QR codes or Contact Us:




Two new programs become available on January 1, 2025:



It is now possible to sponsor either an individual student or student group.

Individual student sponsorships are autodrafted $60 on a monthly basis and cover one month of jujutsu lessons

Student Group sponsorships are autodrafted $60 per group student on a monthly basis and cover one month of group jujutsu lessons



Students may apply for an individual scholarship by contacting Sensei David Wilson @ 225-205-2224

NOTE: Scholarship(s) will be granted by the Heiwashinkai Jujutsu, Inc, 501(c)(3) charity based upon the following criteria:

1) Financial Need of the individual

2) Benefit of jujutsu instruction for the individual

3) Benefit for the Mental & Physical well-being of the individual


Donations of volunteer time & funds are always welcomed with great enthusiasm!


To make tax-deductible charitable donations please complete the contact form on our website's Contact Us page.



Your input is ALWAYS welcome!

Our dojo/multi-function facility is open to the public and we encourage everyone to watch our students practice!


While there, feel free to participate in a Japanese jujutsu training class, attend a scheduled event, or join in a planned activity.


We welcome comments and suggestions on virtually EVERY subject...your opinion is VERY important to us!


We look forward to meeting you, whether it be during a virtual form of contact or in-person...please reach out to us today!